Installed Factory Evaporative Coolers

Installed Factory Evaporative Coolers
Reduction of temperature with evaporative air conditioners

Reduction of temperature with evaporative air conditioners
Installed Evaporative coolers
High temperatures: In summer, many workshops and factories, we have inside temperatures higher than outside.
Reduce heat: With evaporative coolers you can get the lower temperature to comfortable levels, improving working conditions.
Evolution during the day: the temperature inside a warehouse or workshop. The installed fixed evaporative cooling system producing fresh air and eliminates dust and odors. Comes with Smart electronic control system) allows Control and monitor humidity and temperature.
The evaporative cooling system: has multiple customizable parameters suites your needs, including a pre-soak cycle filter, evaporative drying cycles of filters, water management control salinity or scheduled management, drainage staEvaporative cooler industrial control incorporates a sensor that measures the temperature and moisture as well as an internal clock.
In the case of failure: you can identify the necessary maintenance assistance.
The control system offers the possibility of connecting auxiliary external (by a PLC) as exhaust fans, monitored gates, and graphics control panel.
Xcooling evaporative outdoor coolers

Xcooling evaporative outdoor coolers
Xcooling Evaporative System

Xcooling Evaporative System